Announcing PETER PAN Week!
Tonight in our children's literature class, I'll be leading a discussion on J.M. Barrie's Peter and Wendy. In undergrad, this replaced Through the Looking Glass as my very favorite novel. I have read it at least a dozen times since then, and my love for the book has only grown. When I started brainstorming ideas for Peter Pan posts, I realized there were too many great topics to pick from. So, instead I'm announcing that next week will be "Peter Pan Week" (insert crowing sound). Each day, I'll be doing a post on a different aspect of the book. If there's any specific topic you want to see discussed, let me know in the comments. Until then, happy reading!
For any interested parties, feel free to check out posts from previous books in the course:
Little Goody Two-Shoes (published) by John Newbery
The Coral Island by R.M. Ballantyne
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
And I've posted the full reading list here.