Won't You Be my Neighbor?

Please pass the word to any-and-all librarians you know that the historic CC Mellor Library in Pittsburgh is looking for a new children's librarian!  This library is two blocks from my house and it is a truly lovely building in the middle of a charming, safe, historic neighborhood. 

If you don't live in Pittsburgh, you should know that it is an incredibly livable city -- some people (ahem, Forbes Magazine, The Economist) would even say it is the most livable in the United States. Also, it is home to Mr. Rodgers.  Try and tell me you don't want to come to work in a place that looks like this:

Just to sweeten the pot: I'll take whoever gets the job to D's Six Pack and Dogs for dinner -- you have not lived until you've eaten a salad with french fries on top.

You can find all the info about the position here.  Tell your friends!