Interview at the Literary Asylum ...

For those interested, I've got an interview running over at the Literary Asylum.  The Literary Asylum is a fantastic children's book site run by screenwriter and author Matt Cunningham.  Matt is an awesome guy and something of a Batman expert.[1. Lisa Yee used Matt as a Batman encyclopedia while writing her latest novel Warp Speed.]  He and I talk about the differences between writing books and writing screenplays/comics.  I also give up some of the back story about about how Peter Nimble came to be. 

Even better, Matt hotseats me into answering this all-important question:

MATT:  Finally, if there was a zombie apocalypse (or I should say when!) and you were trapped inside a building with only one book to read, what would it be and why?

Now aren't you just dying to know what I picked?  Click here to find out.