Darth Vader Takes a Break ...

No fancy post today because I'm visiting schools in anticipation of a signing event at Mrs. Nelson's Bookstore in LaVerne TONIGHT at 5:00pm!!!! Come check it out. If you can't make that, I'm having my first LA signing tomorrow at Chevalier's in Hollywood from 1-3pm -- please, oh please come!

In the meantime, I thought I'd post a picture I drew a while back.  I was showing my younger cousins Jude and Asher (5 and 7, respectively) how the drawing tablet on my computer worked.  I asked the oldest one what I should draw.  He said, "Darth Vader!"  I asked the younger one where Darth Vader should be.  He said, "In the bathroom!"  And there you have it ...

I'll admit, not my finest work!